For over a decade, I've demonstrated my passion for ethics by bringing meaning and relevancy to the topic in my work and personal life. I believe that by creating and delivering engaging messages, my audiences will not just satisfy requirements but strive to apply the changes. Understanding the WHY is the key to change, and I deliver the reasoning behind the ethical principles that shape our values and the decisions that we make in our daily lives -- personally, organizationally, and community-wide.
I'll help you ignite a passion for ethics within your employees through my own coursework below or through content tailored to your particular needs. I am also available to consult with your company on improving your current in-house education and ethics programs.

Webster’s defines ethics as, “…the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation…” but why is ethics important to your workforce and workplace culture?
Employees need to not only define and apply ethical standards but to understand the WHY behind them, in order to shift their thinking to the personal importance of ethics and the growth benefits that being an ethical leader offers both inside and outside the organization.
Face it, the level of success of an ethics program is primarily based on the level at which employees understand, interpret, and are willing to execute it. When employees understand the WHY - and practice it within their own personal mantra - cultural transformation can truly happen.
Learning to develop and achieve critical buy-in from others, while also developing your own workplace best self, is the path to operating as an ethical leader. In this session, we uncover ethical workplace ideals that can drive personal achievement goals, as well as the creation of an ethical culture throughout the organization. Using a principles-based framework, this session explores best practices and ethical decision-making models for the cultivation of ethical leadership and the building of an ethical culture in the workplace.

The second and third parts of my series include a deeper dive into the procedural aspects of ethics, including a more detailed look at rules versus principles and deeper dive into the behavioral aspects of ethics, including ethical leadership and the pyramid of good, better, best.